Monday, March 19, 2012

Lesson 1

Brought to you by Mike


Today I am going to be completely honest with you.  This whole online business thing can be difficult to understand and very frustrating.
In fact, it can take an absolute excitable business opportunist and create a MAD MARKETER out of them.

So what is a MAD MARKETER?

A MAD Marketer is someone who can follow three basic principles and this is where the “MAD” acronym is derived from:
M - Motivation
A - Action
D - Dedication
To succeed online, you don’t need some secret potion or need to pay some expensive guru thousands of bucks to get some business advice.
The first thing you need is some form of Motivation. Whether your motivation is money, to help others out, the quit your job, to take your kids to Disneyland, to help out a sick family member, or otherwise...we all have some aspect of MOTIVATION that we can leverage. Something that I like to do before I start any business is to write down exactly what my motivation is...and sometimes I may have several. You should do the same.

What Motivates You? Record it.

The second thing you need is the ability to take Action. All our lives we are taught to get educated. Get our schooling. Learn something. But something they never tell you is that a good portion of the education takes place when you take ACTION on what you learn. To give you an example of this, you could read a book on “how to play the guitar” all day, but until you actually pick up an actual guitar and start playing it you will not gain the necessary skills to become a successful guitar player.
The same thing goes on within the business world. If you want to make money on the Internet, you need to be willing to take action. In other words, DO what you LEARN. This will lead to great success.
Lastly, and just as important, you need Dedication. Without investing time and energy into any business, you are going to fail. Sorry to be blunt, but you don’t hear success stories of people that sat on their couch eating popcorn and made millions (not any real ones anyway).
Think of it this way. If you can dedicate a mere fraction of the time you do to your day job, to your online business, you will reap much greater rewards.
OK, now that we got that cleared up, it is time for ME to show YOU how to make money online. I am going to show you how to do it for FREE and I am also going to make some strong recommendations and give you actionable plans along the way that will lead to success.
In the coming training, I am going to explain the exact techniques:
  • Understanding how the heck to make money online
  • Finding HOT programs that pay you over and over
  • The ONE question you need to ask yourself to succeed
  • Write like a superstar, without an English degree
  • Easy ways to get back-links to boost your rankings in Google
  • Biting into your own chunk of the Internet real estate
  • How to Think YOURSELF Successful
  • Reworking your goals for a thriving Internet Business
  • How the “gurus” scale their business using other peoples time
  • And a “boat load” more highly valuable material
Lesson 1 Tasks
  1. Your task for lesson 1 is to make a list of what motivates you? Why are you taking the Mad Marketing Method course? What brought you to this page to read this sentence? Make a list on a piece of paper so that you can look at it in the future to remind yourself why you are dedicating the time to work though Mad Marketing Method.
Keep an Eye Out!
During the Mad Marketing Course you will see important information on this side of the page.
I'll give you tips, recommendations, and other bits that will help you achieve great success online!
Organize Yourself
I like to go Old School with staying organized and I frequently use a pen and paper to make lists of tasks, goals, and other important to-do's. Having a notebook or pad that you can write your ideas on will greatly benefit you in your Internet marketing career.
I know this seems simple, but it can really help.